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  • The Humanities and Social Science strand is intended for those who are curious about what lies beyond the wall. In other words, you are prepared to face the world and interact with a large number of people. This is for those thinking about majoring in journalism, communication arts, liberal arts, education, or other social science-related fields in college.


  • If you pursue this path, you could one day be a teacher, a psychologist, a lawyer, a writer, a social worker, or a reporter. This strand is all about honing your communication skills. Oh! And priesthood is an option as well!


  • The HUMSS curriculum includes a wide range of subjects that examine the world and its people from various perspectives. Each learner will gain a deeper understanding of culture, politics, literature, arts, and society — and how each influences today's pressing issues — in this strand.

Choosing HUMSS as your senior high school strand provides you with valuable knowledge and skills, putting you ahead of your peers in terms of competence and confidence.


Major Classes in HUMsS

As this strand is designed to develop students’ skills in communication, comprehension, writing, critical thinking, and interpersonal relations, our senior high school students can expect to take major subjects such as:

Core Subjects

  • Communication

  • Literature

  • Politics

  • Physical Sciences

  • Social Sciences

Furthermore, because the HUMSS strand is geared toward students interested in pursuing careers in the social sciences, our programs will provide ample opportunities for students to conduct research and give presentations.

Why Should You Choose HUMsS?

Many students choose HUMSS in senior high because they are passionate about art, care deeply about mental health and social issues, or want to pursue careers where they can contribute to legislation and social reform. 


It allows you to pave your own path to contributing to your community.


Not sure if this strand is the right one for you? Here are a few reasons why our HUMSS students have chosen our HUMSS curriculum for their education: 


  • It is people-centric — we deal with the scientific study of humans, and their relationship with culture, arts, and other interlacing disciplines that contribute to how our society works. 

  • It promotes effective communication — whether or not you end up pursuing careers that are within this field, you will be able to use the excellent verbal and written communications skills you will have honed during our HUMSS program.

  • It molds you to be globally competent — through countless exposures to various ideas and beliefs, you will learn how to be compassionate, empathetic, and adaptive. These skills will help you in many real-world scenarios.

Potential College Course for HUMSS Graduates:

The HUMSS strand opens doors for many college courses. Here are a few examples of what our HUMSS graduates can pursue in higher education: 
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