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The Inspiration.

The genesis of this website stems from the genuine inspiration drawn from the personal experiences of a group of dedicated students. Motivated by their own journey of self-discovery and recognizing the challenges many individuals face in identifying their strengths and aptitudes, these students embarked on a mission to create a resource that goes beyond the confines of their own academic pursuits.


The primary aim of this platform extends far beyond merely catering to the needs of students. It is a comprehensive endeavor to assist anyone eager to unravel the mysteries of aligning their innate gifts and talents with potential professions. The overarching goal is to empower individuals from various walks of life who harbor a keen interest in understanding how their unique skills can be channeled into fulfilling and purposeful career paths.


This website serves as a digital compass, navigating through the intricate landscape of education and career choices. It meticulously outlines the subjects, courses, jobs, and schools associated with each of the five distinct academic strands prevalent in the educational landscape of the Philippines. By providing a centralized repository of information, the creators aspire to simplify the often overwhelming process of making informed decisions about one's academic and professional journey.


The altruistic vision behind this initiative goes beyond personal gain, as the students behind the website fervently believe in the transformative power of education. They envision this platform as an advocacy that transcends individual benefits, reaching out to the broader community. With a deep-seated commitment to fostering preparedness for the future, the students hope that their creation becomes a beacon of guidance for countless individuals navigating the crossroads of educational and career choices.


In essence, this website is not merely a digital entity but a testament to the passion, dedication, and collective wisdom of its creators. It stands as a testament to the belief that by sharing knowledge and experiences, individuals can be equipped with the tools they need to carve out meaningful and fulfilling paths in their educational and professional journeys.


Kenneth Tabuna

Technical Expert / IT Support

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Roan Astronomo

Content Creator / Writer

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Endrea Collin Castillo

Design and Layout Specialist

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Keon Alexei Mijares

Group Leader / Project Manager

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Eunice Gwendolene Ramos

Quality Assurance / Reviewer

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Calamba City Science High School, Chipeco Avenue, Brgy. 3, Calamba, Philippines



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